nothing was on much these 2 days.
Thrusday 4.11.10
Slept the whole afternoon at home.
Went to port klang for dinner.
It was my 4th aunts bday.
My dinner was at 9++ p.m
awesome right? like im not fat enuff d =="
called my dear n this time.. had a nice chat.
I was at the sea side cuz its a seafood restaurant.
Enjoying the breeze while enjoying a convo with my dear..
He made me happy today though.
No fights. ^^
We left about 1 ++ a.m
but later we went to a mamak shop in mutiara damansara, uncles place
we sat n had tea there until it was 2++a.m
I was sooo freaking tired!
Went home n knocked out straight away.
Friday 5.11.10
I was woken up by the drilling of the neighbor again! =="
I hate it when that happens.
It was only like.. 10 am? so freaking early for a holiday!
Den went to my indian neighbor's place for brunch.
Had delicious indian foods.. XD
Later at 3, I went to my dad's friends place for deepavali visiting AGAIN.
n yeah.. I ate summore...
Damn! the tosei was delicious! XD
Walked with my baby Leo at 2pm + and another time at 5.30p.m
I was suppose to go for another visiting at night,
but.. i skipped cuz i was still full from d brunch n "LEA?" ( Lunch + Tea ) lol
When my fam got back,
My brothers n 2nd bro's gf n me,
we went to desa park city to take Leo for a walk..
Very unlucky day.. My slippers spoiled halfway...
It was soooo embarrasing~
but.. in d end I went to the car to wear my bro's slipper...
Seems like Leo worked out alot today.
He should be very very very tired..
Well... he is really un-fit
after every run he comes home n goes down right away.
Everyone that sees him will go like
" aww, so cute." ; "so small!" ; " Hello!" ;
" Is that a dog or a cat? "
n d funniest one i heard today
a guy was telling his daughter on a motorbike
" That's a cat la.. Is a cat."
WAHAHAHAHA!!!! It was so hard to control my laughter...
well I guess thats all for these 2 days,
told ja' nothing much for these 2 days..
till here..
too tired d..
ps: I MISS HIM SOOOO MUCH!!!! ; counting down d days to his coming bak day..
3 more days!!!!
5.11.10 - 11.26p.m
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday n Friday
Posted by Joline at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
tuesday n wednesday
I missed a post for these two days cuz i was too busy
Tuesday 2.11.10
Chinese exam going on in school, but luckily i dont take chinese XD
so i was playing volleyball and had port luck .
It was so freaking tiring after volleyball but I had to rush back home with jean n crystal to get ready to go 1u
We went to catch a bus at jln ara bus stop...
we waited like 30 or 40 minutes the bus only appeared.
Stupid buses!
We stayed at 1u until 10 pm.
imagine how painful our legs were.
and d worst thing is.. I was having my fuckin period! =="
we went around searching for jobs n stuff to complete our costume for jazz's party.
My mood was actually down in 1u,
I had no idea why.
Until my dear called... it freaking shocked me
It was such a surprise it increased my happiness lvl all the way to 100%
I guess thats about all on this day.
Wednesday 3.11.10
The official last day of exam.
Cyrstal, Jean n me went back to my house after school
cuz we need to prepare for jazz's party at night
we try make ups when we got home
den, we cooked the stuffs for d party
after cooking we went to bath n had our make ups done
we went to jazz's party at about 6.40p.m?
We reached there everyone was staring at us some kind..
it was cool tough..
she said: "can i ask u something? that's a very nice n cute dress."
WOW!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!
It was more like a statement then a question, but anyway, not the point.
she complimented me!! i felt soooo happy!
We had dinner, we had chats, we had dancing
Had a great chat with shaun n han shen.
It's been so long since i last chatted with them.
It was really fun.
They always make me laugh.. ^^
but later that night,
around 10 something..
things started to change.
I shouldn have called him..
I regretted so much!
damn! I feel so embarrassed.
I cried at a party. WTF?!
but luckily there were left only my close friends.
Why does guys always hav to make girls cry?
Do u know how much it hurts?
Its like getting stab in the heart FOR MANY TIMES!
He's in Shang Hai.
As if im not worried enough..
I mean he's a type of guy who doesn't know he's limits.
Chat to any girl he finds pretty, gets their phone number?
helloo!!! girlfriend here!
Don't u rmb me?
But Im not here to accuse him that he did that in Shang Hai.
I hope not.
But I told him not to look at girls before he went and everytime I called I remind him
I told him this not to really ban him from looking at girls
I mean, I look at guys too. so..
I was just testing he's loyalty n he's faithfulness.
[ N when u look at girls, u're not suppose to tell ur gf u dumb ass! at least not when that girl is sittin there for dinner. u can tell after!
I look at guys n i never told it right infront of u.
especially not when d person is sitting right infront having dinner with us. ==" ]
Last night was the last straw.
I asked if he looked at girls,
he didn't answer, he just laughed.
Not only that, he said he'll talk about this when he get back.
If ur gf/bf told u this, what would u think?
probably he/she have something to hide right?
we haven't met for 3 days, n he did not even ask how i am over here.
He said he cared. yes I felt he cared when he scolded me bcz i went bak late from 1u n also stayed late at jazz's party.
but not even a how are you? are u having fun? doing ok there?
Everytime he called, its just to ask a favor from me to tell his sis this n that.
Don't you wanna talk to me?!
I asked him to chat with me, he said he didn't want to at first because it was expensive.
but I got angry then only he wanna chat with me.
N he did not say he wanted to willingly, he sounds pissed when he said he will chat.
I'm calling a china number, how can the money there be deducted?
isn't it suppose to be deducted from mine more?
even so,
1 min is maybe rm2?
but I called, and its not even 1 minute yet, cant we talk a lil more?
Isn't that more of a waste of money?
Im sorry if I spoiled ur mood over there.
I know im sort of a drama queen n I'm how u say "small gassed"
but Im like this bcuz i care n i want u to care.
U always say u love me, but u don't show
what's the use?
This is why I don't fall for the sweet talks, n why I never trust guys!
You know... I almost wanted to break up last night.
ALMOST! U were soooo close from touching d border line. like 0.1mm close.
But I can't cuz I don't know the truth of what u did there yet.
N I loved u too much to let u go.
I don't want to get hurt anymore ok?!
I have suffered enough from my ex bf n now you??
Pls don't let me live my life soo miserably.
You have changed so much for me,
You stopped smoking, stop hanging out with ur friends, stopped going to clubs
n a lil bit of ur manners.
why cant u use ur common sense?
Think of what to say before you say things.
N how you treat me? to tell you the truth.
sometimes I feel like i'm being used by you.
I've tolerated all these feelings for soo long
n i've said it all.
I want you to know how I feel, but i jz couldn't talk abt it in person
So.. i'm not hiding any secrets from you now.
Hope you're not too..
but I still do love you.
If u continue these unfaithful n in-loyal actions, I might not tolerate it anymore.
n it will be d end of our relationship.
4.11.10 - 10.47 a.m
Posted by Joline at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Suppose-to-be happy day
Today is the last day of our f4's final exam.
Also, its my 5th month together with him..
I'm suppose to be happy, but sadly i'm not.
My boi departed to shang hai this morning at 8.10 am.
It's not even a day yet, and i'm already missing him like crazy.
Wonder how i could survive this week...
I miss his voice everytime he call
12.30 p.m
3.oo p.m
6.30 p.m
and later at night.
the times he usually call... I won't get for a week.
I felt so wierd n lonely somehow
when it's 3pm..
I would always wait for his phone call at this hour.
but today, n probably for this whole week, i'm not getting it..
Im really hopin he's missing me as much as I miss him.
but also having a great time there but not by looking at girls ==" (*lol* jealousy*)
I really wish I could go.. but my parents just don't trust us together.. "oh well.."
Everytime I see our pup..
All that's in my head is him..
Wondering what he's doing, what he's thinking n can't wait to see him soon again..
"oh gee , oh my"
This is d first time I'm missing someone soooo badly!
Alil bit of my day (jz incase my darling wants 2 know)
got a morning call from u n was sad because knowing that you're gonna leave soon.
called again n again n finally before i reach school, the last call.
In school, i wanted to msg u. but I had assembly
When I came up and saw ur msg, it was already 8.15 or 8.30
you have already left.
I cried a lil , i quickly replied u hoping u would get d msg.
I am really missing you...
I almost cried a few times in school..
n I cried awhile at home.
Oh! I stayed back awhile with Jean n Crystal n Kah Wei to talk about some stuff.
I got home, d first thing I did was ran up to my room to check my other phone if there was any msgs.
but sadly there weren't. A drop of tear came falling down on my cheeks, thinking that u have forgotten me.
But how silly of me.
When I got a call from u later. I sprung out of my chair.
I quickly ran up to call u back
When u picked up, I was sooooo happy to hear your voice.
N to know that u landed safely, I was even happier.
N after that I just continued watching movie n missing u of course..
n now I'm writing this blog.
so.. this is about it for now..
Anything happens at night will be blogged tmr. ^^
Hope he's safe n happy there..
n not doing wad he's not suppose to do.
I miss him like mad ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.11.10 - 4.40 p.m
Posted by Joline at 1:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
alil of everything
Had my bday party early this year..
Held it last saturday (9.10.10)
It was awesome to have a party!
but.. it was also very very tiring...
I saw a helpful side of him tat night..
how good he was...
but... he was drunk.. so...
He did lie to me again that night..
was sad... still alil now..
but... gotta forgive n forget..
hopefully he wont do it again la.. Though I told him alot of times n he promised thousands of times.
Come to think of it.. he do break quite alot of promises.
i seriously cant take it if he continues to do that...
drinking is ok...
but not so much n so late at night..
smoke once in awhile.. i dun really mind
but more than 1 a day.. Im already starting to mind.
What else to say if you take even more than 1?
I seriously dun like his group of friends..
why are guys always like that?
they tend to think smoking is cool?
smoking releases stress??
drinking till 4am/later or clubbing is fun??
I say all these are bullshit!
I really want to say F**K U ALL who thinks like this...
BUT unfortunately... I Cant.. cz my bf is one.. sad case
smoking shortens ur life.
it does not release stress.. it might, mayb jz for a moment..
but d stress still wont go away will it?
and if u continue smoking, ur stress becomes bigger n harder to solve
when u get admitted to the hospital, u nid to pay d bills.
You would wonder if u would live or die..
You would also wonder if u could see ur love ones again.
isnt that more stressful?
How abt drinking too much? Worst if it's till the late nights.
You get drunk n might do wrong stuff.. Get beaten up, Lose ur pride, n what else? maybe.. DIE?
if till late night... u might be caught by the policeman,but this is not a big deal.
WHAT IF U GET INTO AN ACCIDENT ?! n can never see the world again.
Some would say nothing can happen..they wont get drunk n will be very careful.
n u wont know if ur drunk or not!
even if u are careful.. OTHERS MIGHT NOT BE!
Why cant u guys take care of urself more??
If u wanna die early..
At least that way u wont put other ppl in danger..
n u will be doing this world AND ME a favor!!!
Do u think other ppl dun have stress?
EVERYONE HAVE! EVEN ME! but do u see me smoking??
I don't wanna waste my life like that...
Cuz that is just stupid!!!
I wanna enjoy my life healthily with proper fun n happiness.
Travel the world with my love ones.
Be disease free!
Don't u guys listen to the news?
Or those awareness campaign?
Im not only saying abt guys.. some girls are like this too..
those stupid ones..
I have alot to say, but can't really think of it now...
I will post it when i thought of it..
I really hope u will change.. not only for me, but urself.
You may think Im annoying asking u to change n all..
I know I should like the way u are..
But.. its because I care too much about u..
If u meant nothing to me.. I wouldn't even care!
Die if u want.. its none of my business...
But ur not.. ur everything to me...
so i couldn't just let u go n harm urself like that..
Please do understand how i feel...
ps: party pics will be uploaded when i receive them from ANDRE!
11.10.10 - 10.28 am
Posted by Joline at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Condolence to my dear friend
May u R.I.P zhi qi..
I will always rmb u..
how I wish i could jz see u again!
I was really hoping to see u at my party...
Pls Qi! wake up! i wanna hear ur voice n laughter again!
- Joline -
27.9.10 - 4.30 pm
Posted by Joline at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
To my friends who visits my blog;
as u noticed... my chat box is gone.. T.T
so.. If u guys have anything to say,
or just wants to chat,
just post it in the comments area..
10.9.10 - 10.31 p.m
Posted by Joline at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Posted by Joline at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Misses you~
My darling's in Kuantan n Im all so lonely at hme..T.T
really miss him...
kinda addicted to this song
adam lambert is soooo HAWT!!! RAWR!!!
10.9.10 - 3.55pm
Posted by Joline at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
My great memories
Its been so long, since I last had a post.
I don't know if I rmb hw 2 write this.. XD
My great memories.
From the first time we text each other till today.
We've been through alot.
Good times n bad;
I enjoyed both.
I still remember what we did;
what we ate and what we wore.
It was the first time
I went out with someone before being in a relationship.
Owh how shy was I when ur hand swift by mine.
It was the first that I blushed so much.
You told me jokes and many random stuffs.
I like it how u try not to make that night awkward.
I still remember;
You keep on asking me not to be shy,
be as I am when I'm with you.
We went to Sakae to eat;
you did something that no one in my life had ever done.
That really surprised me..
As the night went by;
things only got better.
You poped a question that I never tought anyone would say to me
at least not face to face.
I was shocked n shy..
Didn know how 2 answer, so I gave u a different type of answer instead.
N from that moment onwards;
we're a couple.
The next memorable moment or should I say night was.
the fourth day we went out.
It was on 10.6.10
We went to Desa Park city to have our dinner.
After that really awkward dinner,
we went to d park to have a walk.
We then sat at a bench,
although I didnt like it when u smoked but
that moment was the best moment ever.
It was like my first kiss, only better.
You pulled me alil n moved in slowly.
As played in the movies;
My heartbeat was raising, fireworks in the air and bells ringing in my ears.
I felt something I never felt before.
Then, it was d first day I went to ur place.
The rest of d story; is a secret XD
On someday~
I met ur parents.
First time meeting my bf's parents.
Few days later, you met my parents.
A thing I never knew that would happen this early.
It was d first time I went out so late
to somewhere so far.
We were at Pj with ur sisters and cousins;
we dranked till 1.30 am++.
I broke my own record for going home late.
I did not even thought that my dad would agree for letting me go home late.
I guess he is starting to trust you more now.
Which im very happy for.
Just yesterday, 29.7.10
was 1 of the most unforgettable day.
We went to see ur uncle's constructing houses.
I felt as though we we're going to have a family n buy 1.
and I actually wanted to have a family with you.
When we got back to ur place,
the time when you were tryin to stop me from talking abt that girl;
ur hand held my back,pulling me towards you;
head slightly tilted;
your eyes became smoky;
lips ready to touch mine;
That just took my breath away.
there was a feeling running inside me that I just couldnt put into words.
It was a wonderful feeling.
and at that moment, my head was just blanked.
All I could see was you right infront of me.
My heart skipped a beat.
Just to let you know,
Im not making these up,
It was what actually happened.
I will never forget this picture.
Despite these moments, there are alot more.
I just could not type it all out..
There are just too many that have happened between us.
Moments like d first time I met ur grandparents,
when we watched our first movie together,
and most importantly, d day we saw our baby n d day we bought him.
And it has only been 2 months.
Imagine how many more events are there waiting for us.
I hope that You and Me
would last an eternity.
Happy times n sad times;
we will go through it together.
Never letting anyone breaking d bond between us.
Dear,I Love You. I really do.. ^^
Our 3rd month anniversary is just 2 days away.
count this as a presant? XD
30.8.10 - 10.44am
Posted by Joline at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Pics and etc.
Before uploading pics, I have a lil to say here,
Just read my older post.
and WOW! I just realized, my life changed alot.
Gotten way happier!
Especially my love life, its way wayyyy diff from the previous one.
I suddenly feel, Im really greatful to have him as my bf.
Good guys are seriously hard to find nowadays, but im lucky Im having one right now.. XD
different friends, different bf and different fami ; oh wait, thats still the same.. lolx
Here are the pics
(These are only the few I favor the most, for more, check out my facebook albums. tq)

picture with dad n lil' bro after buffet lunch

posin' when going to visit d pool

D hotel view under the trees at d pool side

chairs? LOL


posin' w/ kl view

more posin'

ahaaaaa~ speechless

was havin a bad hair day

20.6.10 - 8.20 p.m
Posted by Joline at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Holidays are over!!!!!!
Its been a pretty fun holiday.
except for today - d last day.
I spent the whole day at home watching some shitty videos on youtube, talking on d phone n writing this lame blog..
geezz! I really need to plan my holidays from now on.
Very lazy to get back in the studying mood.
Feels like I have to study for an eternity.
Oh, how I wish to be 20 right now~
Exam results will be coming out tmr and for the first time,
I bet its going to be horrible and I'm so gonna be f**ked by my parents..
My mom's back from her course.
It haven't been even 10 minutes and she has started nagging.
nag nag nag nag nag...
She's been nagging SERIOUSLY ALOT lately.
After changing her job.
She had not been spending time with the family, doing houseworks and she doesnt even cook for us anymore.
She is just bossing us around like we're her workers.
Its wierd, she doesn't boss her workers in office but she bosses us around like we're her office workers. =="
Man! her brain must be all twisted up.
Been going out alot till late nights during the holidays.
Its fun but got busted alot by my parents too.
I love going out late, guess Im those bad late night gals. XD
Oh and its always with him.
I love being with him.
Everytime i see him, it takes away all my troubles and d stressful things in my life.
Guess he is my drug. Cant help but to have more of him. lol
Can't live a day without him.
I knw some people may say, these feelings are just for now.
First few months are always these sweet.
Yeah, I know. But even then, Im glad im feeling this way with him.
He's the best of all my bf's even though he's not perfect.
OH! I tasted cigarette.
and lemme say, IT TASTE FREAKIN' H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E!!!
Its like eating a bug.
Obviously i didn suck d smoke in, just tasted it.
Went to Westin hotel during the hols.
It was beautiful~
ate buffet on d first day. Swam in a beautiful pool.
Didn sleep well though.. lolx
Bought 4 shoes too..
2 shoes in 1 day.. haha~
it was fweaking fun!
I love the holidays.
but I do miss my friends in school too.
Even though we went out shopping n stuff together during d hols,
we dont get to see each other as often as we do during schooling days.
I really miss annoying them XD
Guess thats it for now.
Will be uploading photo's in d next post~ ( the one right above )
20.6.10 - 7.02 p.m
Posted by Joline at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
Back With XDO!!!!
Been playing xdo for few days..
and finally got back what I lost, my skills.. XD
Im writing this post for fun cuz xdo on maintenance now.
damn bored!!!
guess d double exp is gone.. T.T
dunno if d sudden dc will destroy my winning ratio.. AIKSZ!
random pics of xdo.. XD
Missin' him already~
11.6.10 - 5.39 p.m
Posted by Joline at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
1 More day to FREEDOM!!!!
Tmr is d last day of exam, then its 2 weeks of holiday!! XD
cant wait!
Going to practice volleyball all week long!^^
Anyone wanna join???
I found out 10 random stuff.
Here's the list
1- There are good guys, juz that they are very rare and hard 2 find.
2- Never let the past haunt u.
3- Love is not that blind
4- You do and will choose who u love, bliving in faith is not such a good idea.
6- Guys are great liars
7- Short ppl are all cute? XD
8- My parent, especially my mom is very close minded and have a very 60's thinking
9- Nobody is perfect
10 - Did u notice number 5 is missing?? XD Yes / No. leave a comment or at d chat box.
New pics are on its way..
uploaded but very lazy to post it here..
Counting down d days.. lets jz hope he's better than the others..
He have only 2 o 3 things dats in my 'dislike' list..
But has more on d 'type of guys i want' list... BAHAHAHAHA~!!!
Till here, for now~
3.6.10 - 7.48 p.m
Peace Out!
Posted by Joline at 4:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
but... apparently..
many of my friends are too WORRIED for their exam..
28.5.10 - 7.31 p.m
Posted by Joline at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
My first week of May.
So,Here's how my week was...
A very f**kin' hot day...
last week was raining and all~den suddenly it wen very very hott
D day we know our Volleyball tournament is not on until after the holidays..
*Yeah!!* means there's more time to train...Hopefully brenda can play better..
My class - 4 Hemah's specs day!actually only d girls I knw wore.. hahaha
cuz.. we only discussed with each other.. XDhere's photos of our geeky looks..
Wore BSMM clothes and didn go for bsmm meeting.. hahaha
instead.. my friends and I went to watch d Volleyball match..
To be honest... it wasnt really wad i had expected..
and of course my friends and I played volleyball alil..
Here's some pics dat i took on dat day...Can u see the steam coming out from d floor?
dat was how hot d weather is...D game that was going on~
A fweakin' awesum' day...
There was choir competition..
and alot of strong participants were in it...
Kah Wei's group was 1 of d most impressive one's
5G owned d whole choir with their song...
Then we played Volleyball under the rain..
but the raindrops keep drippin in our eyes..
after my friends left...I continue playing with d guys n sum of d f5's
Got to play with "somebody" hehehe
I was shy d whole way~
when i went home.... my clothes stinked like crap!
guess it was acid rain from the junk.. hahaha
Pics of d day~Made this during sivik period... nice? XD
Choir of 5G
At sakae sushi for dinner and this is wad i found out.. XD teabags act as a magnet to papers.. lolz ==" look at my "adorable" brother
Friday (today)
Kinda fun too~
went to help pn.shamala with the anugerah thingy
and got free food!!! woohoo~~
but i ate too much.. gonna gain weight again.. =="
lookin' at d past f5's.. i feel tat i wanna be like them..
getting awesome results and still look so pretty
especially sue-lynn...
then i went home with a huge headache...
it hurts till now... =="
i went to bathe and slept right when i reached home...
i will be attending the BSMM kursus..
den i will get my badge!!! ^^
good luck to me.. teehee~~
tats all fer now...
7.5.10 - 6.29 p.m
Posted by Joline at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Jz random picz

Posted by Joline at 5:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Exams coming really soon and im addicted to sdo n maple =="
this is really bad!!!
Lost d volleyball tournament, but was a nice experience....
met very pro ppl~!! @@
Livin d single life is awesome!!!
no one to care of n no one to stop me from doing the stuff i like..
Im also findin skul interesting and fun..
Hope to meet more ppl...
This post is jz for fun..
25.4.10 - 1.07 p.m
Posted by Joline at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Went for BSMM camp from 15.3 - 17.3.
It was awesome.
Kinda torturing but fun... ^^( Lst night of camp , camp fire , No lights out!!! ) XD
Im cutting short everything.. lolx
been to volleyball practices...
very tiring.. =="
but very fun too...
hopefully we will win in d actual games^^( VB practice on 18.3.10 )
Been very happy these few days..
it feels great!!! ^^
Cant wait for exam results...
Preparing to fail certain subjects...
aiksz.. XD
i guess thats all for now.. toodles~
- more practice later at 4p.m.. T.T -
19.3.10 - 1.51 p.m
- Jo -
Posted by Joline at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Selena Gomez
awesome song!
d song im currently in to..
Selena Gomez is juz soooo pretty n cute!!!
so jealous of her.. XD
wish i could be jz like her... lol
5.3.10 - 3.37 p.m
Posted by Joline at 11:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
Freedom n Fun
I'm finally free..
"so what if it hurts me so what if i break down so what if this world just throws me off the edge my feet run out of ground i gotta find my place i wanna hear my sound dont care about other pain infront of me cause im just tryna be happy"
song from Leona Lewis-Happy
had a really awesome day ytd at brenda's house..
played like monkeys..
how i wish my life is always like dat.
no sorrows... jz filled wit happiness...
Here are some crazehh pics of ytd

Thats all for now^^
27.2.10 - 2.28pm
Posted by Joline at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I need someone who could understand n always be with me.
Terms and Conditions apply.
1. English Speaking.
2. 175cm and above
3. Age 17-20
4. Doesn't smoke
5. Matured.
6. Kind
7. Caring
8. Romantic & Sweet
9. Loves me as much as I love him.
10. Doesn't care about appearance.
11. Trust worthy
12. HOT
13. RICH (optional) / Average
14. Great smile
15. Beautiful eyes
16. Nice & deep voice.
17. Not a game addict (optional)
18. Takes really good care of me.
19. Always respect me.
20. Listens to me.
21. Stays nearby (optional)
22. Mix blood (optional)
23. Awesome hairstyle
24. Can sing (optional)
25. Never stop msging me unless has smth important
26. Fair (optional)
27. Funny and entertaining.
T & C 1- 11 , 18-20 , 25 and 27 are very important.
Take notice of it.
p.s : We have to be friends for 3mths first before starting a relationship.
The 3 months are to get to know each other well first.
If you have any interest or needs more information,
please contact me at 010-2701425 (recomended) or
Thank you.
If you know anyone who meets these T & C, please intro^^
but should not be staying across KL borders.
Thank you again.
9.2.10 - 8.45 p.m
Posted by Joline at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Micheal Buble
Im kinda addicted to this song.
the lyrics are really nice and
it has a really catchy beat.. XD
hope others enjoy it too..
Micheal Buble - Havent met you yet ^^
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Loose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Mmmmm ....
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
Mmmmm ......
And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
Mmmm .....
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
5.2.10 - 4.5 p.m
Posted by Joline at 12:59 AM 0 comments