So,Here's how my week was...
A very f**kin' hot day...
last week was raining and all~den suddenly it wen very very hott
D day we know our Volleyball tournament is not on until after the holidays..
*Yeah!!* means there's more time to train...Hopefully brenda can play better..
My class - 4 Hemah's specs day!actually only d girls I knw wore.. hahaha
cuz.. we only discussed with each other.. XDhere's photos of our geeky looks..
Wore BSMM clothes and didn go for bsmm meeting.. hahaha
instead.. my friends and I went to watch d Volleyball match..
To be honest... it wasnt really wad i had expected..
and of course my friends and I played volleyball alil..
Here's some pics dat i took on dat day...Can u see the steam coming out from d floor?
dat was how hot d weather is...D game that was going on~
A fweakin' awesum' day...
There was choir competition..
and alot of strong participants were in it...
Kah Wei's group was 1 of d most impressive one's
5G owned d whole choir with their song...
Then we played Volleyball under the rain..
but the raindrops keep drippin in our eyes..
after my friends left...I continue playing with d guys n sum of d f5's
Got to play with "somebody" hehehe
I was shy d whole way~
when i went home.... my clothes stinked like crap!
guess it was acid rain from the junk.. hahaha
Pics of d day~Made this during sivik period... nice? XD
Choir of 5G
At sakae sushi for dinner and this is wad i found out.. XD teabags act as a magnet to papers.. lolz ==" look at my "adorable" brother
Friday (today)
Kinda fun too~
went to help pn.shamala with the anugerah thingy
and got free food!!! woohoo~~
but i ate too much.. gonna gain weight again.. =="
lookin' at d past f5's.. i feel tat i wanna be like them..
getting awesome results and still look so pretty
especially sue-lynn...
then i went home with a huge headache...
it hurts till now... =="
i went to bathe and slept right when i reached home...
i will be attending the BSMM kursus..
den i will get my badge!!! ^^
good luck to me.. teehee~~
tats all fer now...
7.5.10 - 6.29 p.m
Friday, May 7, 2010
My first week of May.
Posted by Joline at 3:07 AM
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