Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A lil bout ME

Chapter 1
1. Middle name: Chiew
2. Nickname(s): Joline
3. Current location: My room
4. Eye color: Hazel brown


Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s): Ya,bt sumtimes we fight, hey~ tats normal rite? XD
2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced
?: Married!


Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream: Vanilla
2. Season: winter,autumn
3. Shampoo/conditioner: Loreal
4. Favorite Thing: MY FON!


Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower? - sometimes.. haha
2. Do you write on your hand? - no way! it looks n feels so dirty
3. Call people back? - NEVER!
4. Believe in God? _Yes of course!
5. Any bad habits? - Lazy
6. Any mental health issues? - No wayy!!

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff: Yup
2. Had physical therapy?: ehh... no
3. Gotten stitches? : Yup.. T,T
4. Taken painkillers: Yes
5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: snorkeling
7. Sworn in front of your parents? : yes. Quite a number of times
8. Had detention? : Nah.. no detentions here

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Three people who texted you: Bf,Mom,crazy sis Jazz
2. Person you called: My mom
3. Person you hugged: bf
4. Person you tackled: Lil bro.. XD
5. Person you talked to on MSN?: Still talking wit 2,so i dont knw yet
6. Thing you touched? : I guess it would be my fon?
7. Thing you ate? : Wan tan mee
8. Thing you drank: water
9. Thing you said: Forgot~
10. Friend you saw ytd : Sue Ee, Li Shin