Wednesday, November 26, 2008

its d afternoon~!

This is only what happened in the morning of today..
cuz im kinda bored..
well firstly..
i woke up n saw no ones using d com.. so.. *woosh* straight to the com!!!!!!
then i chatted with my kai kor..."piggy" hehe....
den came JunKai... sei hamsap lou =.=" haha.. jkjk
chatted alot crazy stuff with him..
and then... another Kai kor 'cute ying'
he jzu bcame my kai kor ytd nerhz.... and he's seriously cute^^ and funny^^
then i asked him to view his webbie! and he did.. keke...
he did lots of cute poses.. as always.. haha.... he sits like a kid =.=" which is soo adorable!
gosh~! juz love to see him smile^^

then he's com limit jor... so offed d d webbie T.T *sobs sobs*
then we're sms-ing now...
and now msn-ing with d other kai kor.. hahaha..
so confusing... too many kai kor d... XD

hmm.. long time didn chat with Kuro d wor...
wonder how he is....
ANYWAY~! HuiYi's bday coming up...
and she asked me to call ppl to have lunch on tat day... aiksz... why me?! T.T
and we will be going out nxt fri... hehe
i have dis VK friend tat will b having a gathering for vk n loli's this friday...
wish i could go.. but i no money d.. T.T

OH YA~! Took lots of pic with hui yi ytd... she came to my house and played with my clothings=.="
wanna c? go my fs see lur XD

k la till here..