Saturday, November 15, 2008

16/11/08 << dunno wad tittle to write.. XD


Well,juz 2 days ago... 'FRIDAY' i joined d hip hop class near my place..
It was quite hard... cant really keep up tho~ aiksz...
Our teacher's a guy.. at first i tot he's 1 of d students.. cuz.. he sat with them at d mamak shop there...
Lolx.. d teacher.. not bad lahh... nt ugly can jor.. hahahah jkjk
he's... how u say... A PRO! Walao~ so hard man d moves.. lolx
Den,this girl named Cia Shien, she's oso a pro nerhhxx...
so pai seh have to dance with them.. lolx..
Me N David is d newbie there... but David did better than me.. T.T

Stupid FS!!!!! got problem d.. dunno wad stupid maintanance they do la..
Do untill my friend list from 1000++++++++ friends to just 11 friends.. wth=.="
hmm... yesterday... went online with my digi num...
at first i used for few min.. den i check d balance... still left alot.. so i tot it didn take much money..
after im done using.. i check my balance.. WALAO!!!! from rm13++ to rm9++ =.="
then.. slowly it dropped to rm4~!!!! i was like "WTF IS HAPPENING??!!!"
den.... came a msg... "Kredit masa bual anda kurang daripada RM2.Sila isi semula di agen DiGi. Terima Kasih. and in english" -.-"
i got shocked.. den i checked my balance again...
SIAO EHH~!!!!! WENT TO RM0.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanted to throw d fon tat time.. i duno why=.="
rm13.67 finished in juz less than 10 minute...
Anyway... im now thinking of how to return d money to my kor... haizz....
have to top up rm30 d lurr.. T.T

D day be4~!
went to 'ming heong' to eat.... my bro... took out a mickey mouse phone..
those limited edition type...
showing it around and saying its his new phone..=.="
then when i took it..
cheh~!! its FAKE! Its juz a toy.. lolx

Hmmm... what else to write? @@"""
ermm well went to 'ming heong' to eat again today...
swt... ate d porridge until stomach gonna burst d.. lolx
3 more days to my 2nd bro's bday..
wonder how it'll b..
he's not home nowadays... see him vl less d...
cuz he's working... up down and all around he's going... lolx
k lahh... nothing to blog d.. lolz..
going to fetch my mom ltr...
