Monday, November 24, 2008


Long time no post again..

well first of all............................."im sick" =.=
hahaha.... so wu liao XD
sinced last 2 days i caught a flu.. i dunno how i caught it..
by hand or mayb i caught it using a net.. hmm... *dreaming* lolz
im sick and yet i still showered in rain today XD
all bcuz of d damn clothes.. =.="

anyway... had been watching bleach in d hols...
2days d 5th day im watching i think... and its oni at episode 101 =.=
so boring la holiday...
friends all dunno do wad at home..
maybe they're laying eggs .. hmm... *dreaming again*

my old habbits bak again....
its d time when i think of dying...
i usualy hav it when ppl juz accuse me for something, and dey dont even knw wads really happening
well, ytd's was... D OLD MAN in d house...
he keep nagging me to do tis and tat... i was tired.. cuz im sick..
he didn even noticed it...
so,there were a few things dat i didn do... its not like d whole world will collaps if i didn do it=.=
I wanted to rest awhile be4 i do...
then he juz switched off d tv and scolded me...
he always says dat im no-use,im a gal i should do ALL d things in d house... im so stupid,im a real idiot.... blah blah blah...
so i cried.. thinking in my heart,"he doesn even care abt me.. he didn even noticed im sick.." so i juz went and do...
and i ran up to my room and cont crying.. lolx... 'i knw.. im a cry baby...lolx.. bt wad to do.. i was born with a fragile heart, even a simple ur no use or ur stupid can make me cry d whole day...'
THEN! D OLD LADY came bak...
i didn wash d mop n throw away d water...
so she shout n shout.. *man! she's really like a tiger! n she always say im noisy in d night n i talk too loud.. "what about urself !!!"*
i tried to ignore her..(lolx.. cuz im still thinking of wad d old man said) den she came up to my room to ask me to clean it up...*gosh! she's loud!*
and she HAD TO SAY ' u arr so no use wan.. dunno how to clean up.. feed u for wad? '
!@#!@%^ DANGER DANGER~!#@!*^@$!
I was so damn pissed so i talked bak..
i juz said 'juz kill me la then! im not here anymore u all will be happier rite? (and she said yes=.= in a very soft way tho...).. dun feed me la... no one ask u to feed oso.. juz let me die la...' at tat point i was almost gonna burst out with colour full words...but as usual.. i controled it...

Den i did everything n i went to sit at d hall with *THEM* n my lil bro....
i used my lil bro's blanket to cover cuz i was really cold.. summore they on aircond=.="
den he shouted 'dun use my blanket la! u sick one!!!!" lolx
den those 2 old ppl looked at me... after that they talked to me as if all d things dey said juz now didn happened....
but.. i juz ignored them as if they were invisible.. XD

then i ate lots and lots of CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! juz love it.. =p
den went to bed...

k la.. till here... tata!