Wednesday, November 26, 2008

its d afternoon~!

This is only what happened in the morning of today..
cuz im kinda bored..
well firstly..
i woke up n saw no ones using d com.. so.. *woosh* straight to the com!!!!!!
then i chatted with my kai kor..."piggy" hehe....
den came JunKai... sei hamsap lou =.=" haha.. jkjk
chatted alot crazy stuff with him..
and then... another Kai kor 'cute ying'
he jzu bcame my kai kor ytd nerhz.... and he's seriously cute^^ and funny^^
then i asked him to view his webbie! and he did.. keke...
he did lots of cute poses.. as always.. haha.... he sits like a kid =.=" which is soo adorable!
gosh~! juz love to see him smile^^

then he's com limit jor... so offed d d webbie T.T *sobs sobs*
then we're sms-ing now...
and now msn-ing with d other kai kor.. hahaha..
so confusing... too many kai kor d... XD

hmm.. long time didn chat with Kuro d wor...
wonder how he is....
ANYWAY~! HuiYi's bday coming up...
and she asked me to call ppl to have lunch on tat day... aiksz... why me?! T.T
and we will be going out nxt fri... hehe
i have dis VK friend tat will b having a gathering for vk n loli's this friday...
wish i could go.. but i no money d.. T.T

OH YA~! Took lots of pic with hui yi ytd... she came to my house and played with my clothings=.="
wanna c? go my fs see lur XD

k la till here..

Monday, November 24, 2008


Long time no post again..

well first of all............................."im sick" =.=
hahaha.... so wu liao XD
sinced last 2 days i caught a flu.. i dunno how i caught it..
by hand or mayb i caught it using a net.. hmm... *dreaming* lolz
im sick and yet i still showered in rain today XD
all bcuz of d damn clothes.. =.="

anyway... had been watching bleach in d hols...
2days d 5th day im watching i think... and its oni at episode 101 =.=
so boring la holiday...
friends all dunno do wad at home..
maybe they're laying eggs .. hmm... *dreaming again*

my old habbits bak again....
its d time when i think of dying...
i usualy hav it when ppl juz accuse me for something, and dey dont even knw wads really happening
well, ytd's was... D OLD MAN in d house...
he keep nagging me to do tis and tat... i was tired.. cuz im sick..
he didn even noticed it...
so,there were a few things dat i didn do... its not like d whole world will collaps if i didn do it=.=
I wanted to rest awhile be4 i do...
then he juz switched off d tv and scolded me...
he always says dat im no-use,im a gal i should do ALL d things in d house... im so stupid,im a real idiot.... blah blah blah...
so i cried.. thinking in my heart,"he doesn even care abt me.. he didn even noticed im sick.." so i juz went and do...
and i ran up to my room and cont crying.. lolx... 'i knw.. im a cry baby...lolx.. bt wad to do.. i was born with a fragile heart, even a simple ur no use or ur stupid can make me cry d whole day...'
THEN! D OLD LADY came bak...
i didn wash d mop n throw away d water...
so she shout n shout.. *man! she's really like a tiger! n she always say im noisy in d night n i talk too loud.. "what about urself !!!"*
i tried to ignore her..(lolx.. cuz im still thinking of wad d old man said) den she came up to my room to ask me to clean it up...*gosh! she's loud!*
and she HAD TO SAY ' u arr so no use wan.. dunno how to clean up.. feed u for wad? '
!@#!@%^ DANGER DANGER~!#@!*^@$!
I was so damn pissed so i talked bak..
i juz said 'juz kill me la then! im not here anymore u all will be happier rite? (and she said yes=.= in a very soft way tho...).. dun feed me la... no one ask u to feed oso.. juz let me die la...' at tat point i was almost gonna burst out with colour full words...but as usual.. i controled it...

Den i did everything n i went to sit at d hall with *THEM* n my lil bro....
i used my lil bro's blanket to cover cuz i was really cold.. summore they on aircond=.="
den he shouted 'dun use my blanket la! u sick one!!!!" lolx
den those 2 old ppl looked at me... after that they talked to me as if all d things dey said juz now didn happened....
but.. i juz ignored them as if they were invisible.. XD

then i ate lots and lots of CHOCOLATE!!!!!!! juz love it.. =p
den went to bed...

k la.. till here... tata!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

16/11/08 << dunno wad tittle to write.. XD


Well,juz 2 days ago... 'FRIDAY' i joined d hip hop class near my place..
It was quite hard... cant really keep up tho~ aiksz...
Our teacher's a guy.. at first i tot he's 1 of d students.. cuz.. he sat with them at d mamak shop there...
Lolx.. d teacher.. not bad lahh... nt ugly can jor.. hahahah jkjk
he's... how u say... A PRO! Walao~ so hard man d moves.. lolx
Den,this girl named Cia Shien, she's oso a pro nerhhxx...
so pai seh have to dance with them.. lolx..
Me N David is d newbie there... but David did better than me.. T.T

Stupid FS!!!!! got problem d.. dunno wad stupid maintanance they do la..
Do untill my friend list from 1000++++++++ friends to just 11 friends.. wth=.="
hmm... yesterday... went online with my digi num...
at first i used for few min.. den i check d balance... still left alot.. so i tot it didn take much money..
after im done using.. i check my balance.. WALAO!!!! from rm13++ to rm9++ =.="
then.. slowly it dropped to rm4~!!!! i was like "WTF IS HAPPENING??!!!"
den.... came a msg... "Kredit masa bual anda kurang daripada RM2.Sila isi semula di agen DiGi. Terima Kasih. and in english" -.-"
i got shocked.. den i checked my balance again...
SIAO EHH~!!!!! WENT TO RM0.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanted to throw d fon tat time.. i duno why=.="
rm13.67 finished in juz less than 10 minute...
Anyway... im now thinking of how to return d money to my kor... haizz....
have to top up rm30 d lurr.. T.T

D day be4~!
went to 'ming heong' to eat.... my bro... took out a mickey mouse phone..
those limited edition type...
showing it around and saying its his new phone..=.="
then when i took it..
cheh~!! its FAKE! Its juz a toy.. lolx

Hmmm... what else to write? @@"""
ermm well went to 'ming heong' to eat again today...
swt... ate d porridge until stomach gonna burst d.. lolx
3 more days to my 2nd bro's bday..
wonder how it'll b..
he's not home nowadays... see him vl less d...
cuz he's working... up down and all around he's going... lolx
k lahh... nothing to blog d.. lolz..
going to fetch my mom ltr...


Friday, November 7, 2008

7/11/08 < < HAHAHA 7 ELEVEN!! =P

Yesterday was a FRIDAY~!
Me n HuiYi ponteng sek to go to TIMES SQUARE~!
in d morning... we went to cc first... play play halfway....
WEI BIN,SHAWN,HAN SHEN,HAN YUAN AND many many more monkeys came in...
so i quickly off my xdo be4 they mess up my percentage again... haizz
den wei bin keep annoying me to let him use my cc member id... zzz=.="
he keep bising so i juz off and gave it to him....
after awhile... they said mr.francis coming.... every smk bsd1 students run for thier lives! lolx
but soon they found out it was a false alarm! haha..
mr.francis juz came down d hill to restaurant tanjung to have his breakfast.. haha XD

Den... its time to go TS! HuiYi keep asking Wei Bin to follow... and Wei Bin keep calling Kah Chun.. =.=" mafan~!
in d end.... Wei Bin followed us.. but he wants us to belanja him.. haizzz... have 2 spent on another person.. T.T
We sat d taxi to kepong station then took d train to KL SENTRAL then took the MONORAIL to IMBI... =.=" long jurney.. but fun^^
I bought this new LOLITA outfit in CHIKAKO....
cost me rm218.. i dunno whether its wa loli or punk loli... i think its a mixture of both.. lolz...
here's a pic of it... but its edited XD

took me a few hours in d shop.. hehe... cuz d sales gal gave me alot of choices... lolx...
tried until siao=.=
but then it was worth it.. lolx.... made frenz with the sales gal too... hehe..
it happens that she knows d VR ppl very well..
so that time we chat alot about VR's lolx...
Then that HUI YI arh... told her i LOVE THAT VR_ ! ish... dulan her! simply say stuff!!
if she tells him im sosososooooo dead! =.="
d sales gal showed me a pic.. and asked me which VR is tat... so i ans quickly cuz its soo easy.. hahaha
it was VR11.. so me n hui yi said that he's d sales gal's bf... bt she keeps refusing=.="
but... we know.. XD
she ajak us to go find her at 3rd floor i think... when we hav time...
and she was goin to watch movie with VR ppl later,so she ask me whether wan follow or not...
zzz.... and of course i said no.. but i rly wanted to.. lolx....

Den we went out of d shop...
Wei Bin was soooooo bored... lolz... so he said that he wanted to eat... and we went to to eat... ate mc D...
this is a pic of hui yi... soo greedy! took wei bin's filet and her nugget =.="

Then we went shopping around every floor...
dat 'siao poh' keep grabbing wei bin's hand and my hand... =.="
so damn malu weii~!!! all d shop d ppl keep laughing at us... zzzz
we played a game too~ c who gets d most fliers frm ppl lose! hahah
as always... Hui Yi 3 o 4 times.. Wei Bin 2 times... me.... 1 time!!! hahahahaaaaaa
I WON!!! XD hui yi got stopped by maxis broadband ppl 2 times.. hahaha.. stupiakk de go and answer them for what=.=
1 time at d KL SENTRAL, another at d same thing.. she still wanna hear.. hahahah
me and wei bin run away first.. XD

After we got tired of we went bak TS again!
den HuiYi did a vlvl terrible thing... =.="
she called Jerry to come fetch us.. and bla bla bla... long story...
Wei Bin dun like other ppl to fetch for no gud reason..zzz
so he got angry... he keep running up and down TS zzz...
and we have to catch him...
HuiYi used d last of my money to buy a presant for Jerry...
and i still left rm10.... juz enuff for me to go home... haizz.....
too bad im a gal~ and i dun dare to go home alone... >.<
Then my whole body hurts.. so i dun wan chase after him d...
so me n hui yi sat down.. dun bother d la... when Jerry come oni call him..=.="
while waiting.. me n hui yi toked very little.. we keep staring at ppls legs,shoes and well.. thier.. ehermm.... ass? lolx.... so we said sum funny stuff about it.. =p how evil of us... haha
and i oso smsed kuro to tell him everything.... aiksz
cuz its so boring!

Den Jerry came... he asked HuiYi to go LG and find him.. lalalalala
den we waited at G and so he came.. XD
he brought a friend with him too.. cuz he didn bring his car...
In d car... Jerry was quite angry Hui Yi.. dunno why la...
den she cried... and i hav no idea wad to do... den i juz told jerry.. aiksz...
i wanted to cry d too leh.. see what he did to hui yi.. he juz ignored her.. walao..
if it was me i would hav cried alot d.. =.="

it was alr 6 somethin.. jerry n his friend went to eat...
i was like WTF?! so late d!
and i was soo sked dat my dad would scold...
but when i reached home.. he didn! i was saved! ^^

den went cycling awhile...
den bak home rest,bath and play with my loli clothes.. lolz...
didn ate.. cuz.. no mood to eat.. after what happened in d car~=.="

k la.. guess i'll write until here...
post again real soon!! MUACKSZ!

ERMM.. forgot which day...XD

This post.. is juz ful of pics.. dunno what to write.. haha

d food we ate dat day... its our last time eating canteens food for this year.. hehe

sa po hui yi n her ice-cream.. she keep asking me to take her pic with THAT ICE-CREAM!!!!! How wu liao~ =.="

ZHI QI'S silly face................. XD
Hui Yi N Zhi Qi's silly hair-do.. hahaha
HuiYi N JiaYi.. EWW~!!!!!!! LESSBIANSZ!!!! JKJK


dis was 2 days ago.. haha
After exam, me, jia yi, hui yi and pei jing went to pizza to eat.. hehe..
Pei Jings bf went oso..
Jing Jing damn quite oh den.. she's sooo shy.. hahaha!!!!!
here are some foto's of dat day.. but it was after pei jing left with the bf... >.<
this is hui yi lorh.. poser la her...she loves d pizza XD

JIA YI N ME~! arent we sweet?! >.< sharing d same drink.. XD

me,jia yi n huiyi's drink.... guess which is which? =p

Jia Yi... " I'm gonna kill you! yahh~!!!!" hahaha

M3~! posin with d pepsi~ hahaha.... im such a poser XD

anyways.. thats it for that dayz...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Ytd nite.. OMG!!!!!!!
Have 2 study 4 d Stupid SEJARAH!
i open d 1st page oni wan sleep d=.=
swt la... den smsed with kuro,eason n gairo~sms halfway tertidur =.=
den when i woke up,it was time to go 4 dinner! hehe..
when fnshed.. went home to study summore.. but mana tau..
sms too many d.. until kenot study at all =.= while studying.. Jazz suddenly called me... telling me how hard is it to study, blah blah blah... and she's still talking on d fon wit me =.=
allahh~ vl long story la.. haiz... slept at 12 something =.=

haizz.. moral paper 1st...
DIU~! b4 d exam i steped on some cat shit in class...
Fucking cat dunno d rite place to poop!=.=
i think its d jaga's cat... stupid fella! keep ur cat where it belongs! and teach it where to poop u ASS!
so damn embarassing leh.. =.="
den go toilet wash.. but still not clean,so hav to go down to d grass there to clean it...
den when i went bak to class...
WALAO EHH~~~ smelly until duno like what...
whole clas smells of shit no matter where u go XD
u can c tears in some students eye's and face red jor~ wakakak!! i lauf until dunno like 1 mad gal oni.. hahaha!!!
den came d moral paper...
i sat infront right next 2 d door.. which was vl HOT! =.=

CRAZY de! 60 questions... and guess what.. i oni knw d correct ans for 2 questions only... 2 QUESTIONS ONLY LEH!!!!!!!!!! =.="
im so damn sked now... haizz
Den seni... stupid seni ah... sien dou~ simply tembak d answers oni la.. dun care d... vl no mood wan do objective's..
den have 2 draw dunno what shit thing la.. draw d not enuff time to colour.. haizz
but finished oso la in d end... hahahx...

After that, while i was walking bak home with a gal,Clifford n Jay keep calling me to wait 4 dem, bt d gal hates dem.. so... she draged me.. but i kinda hate d gal too, and so does clifford n jay.. hahaha!!! den i waited 4 dem lur.. and she went away.. XD Im soo mean=.="
Clifford asked Jay to walk down with us.. but he doesnt want to,so.. he juz draged him down=.=" and i push him.. hahaha XD
kesian him..have to walk bak up to go to his house.. hahaha!!!!
STUPID JAY! go spray water on me! =.=" summore not clean water.. is his water bottle's water!!!! got all his saliva!!!!!! EWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and STUPID CLIFFORD go grab my bag n wont let me go.. T.T
but in d end... i got free^^ den went home safe d.. hehe^^

after awhile... my brother came bak... den suddenly some1 said hello... like gal oni=.=" den when i looked.. it was my bro's fren.. Kent... hmph! tat fella arhh... always say i like Justin... diu~! den my bro told him now new d... Edward.. WTF?! I DUN LIKE ANY OF THEM!!! SHIT LA!!!!! DEN Kent said im a PlayBoy=.=" *isn tat suppose 2 b 4 boys? lolx* 1st Justin den Edward next woud be Richard and 1 more dunno wad name la.. swt.. den my bro n HIM keep saying RICHARD in a vl ah beng slang=.=" FUNNY!!!! HAHA... but they said im a ah lian... T.T im soo not!!!!!!!!!!

den chat with pei jing's fren-Angela and eason and jia yi.. haha..
and oso writing blog lurr....

kay lah.. thats all 4 today..
buh-bye~! sayonara~! adios amigo's~!
yeahh!!! no more tuition!!!!!!!!! wakakak....

Sunday, November 2, 2008


ANOTHER BORING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woke up at 8 today =.="
den went to toilet to shit.. haha
wake up oni stomach ache d... haizz=.="
After that, i went to watch MAMAMIA! d musical show..
it wasn that boring after all... it was actually rly nice 2 watch.. XD
Hmm... what did i do after that...
OH YA! BREAKFAST AT 10! lolx.. ate some 'bao' n mee....
den.. ermm...
on9 lorhh.. what else... haizz..
Msn 1st den Friendster.. as usual~
i think its my daily routine d=.="
Then chat chat chat...
while chatting i went to search for wa lolita outfits..
Juz love it~ feels so cool... wanna buy it~ but.. no money haizz...
there's always hav to be a BUT =.="

Got quite a shock ytd.. Eason suddenly talked to me.. >.<
told me i now so cool d... *vomit* which im not....
den chat somemore...
And today he chat with me AGAIN! =.="

Hmmm... who did i smsed with today...
There was My Bf,Den Kuro,Den Hui Yi, den.. oh ya! Jerry..
but it was oni 4 a short while....
sien sien sien...T.T

now hav 2 study 4 maths n kh..
bt no mood study leh! no one sms-ing with me!!!!
maths i hav no idea wad to read.. haizz.. and i have no idea how 2 do..=.="
My stupid KH book went missing...
ARGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN PISSED WEI!!!!

OH SHIT! havent buy calculator 4 tml...
diu~! so many things havent do... =.="
K LA! dun blog d.. go TRY to study..

buh-bye, blog again soon!
muaxx miz ya all!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Haizz!! Boring day~!

THE BOREDEST DAY EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

woke up at 11 sumthing 2day...
den i straight went to d comp... XD
as always, open msn first.. then friendster..
accepted some friend request and replied comments...
after that.. i went youtube-ing for GAZE's song LEECH..
its not as nice as i expected.. but.. still quite like it^^
after that.. i saw VR7 de video.. OMG... altho i dont knw him.. his vids was quite funny.. and it was perverty too =.=" but i watch his shuffling be4 tat... lolx

This d funny one..^^

After tat.. i watch TVXQ's MIROTIC vid..
but thier hairstye was awkward.. didn like it...


then.. i watch other vids of TVXQ
they are juz so freaking funny!! i lauf til my stomach hurt....
Den went to dl some songs of TVXQ n The Gazette
After that... it got kinda boring again...
so i went to play xdo..
lucky my id still not fat^^

Didn sms with Kuro today...
no mood wanna touch d fon...
hmm.. wierd... i feel like sleeping the whole day=.="
and now, uim listening to TVXQ's songs.. miz thier voices...
and its putting me to sleep=.="
Oh~ n im chatting with Cut3Ying now..
Wuz chatting with JIA YI OSO... but she go oioi d..
pig la her... XD

PS: ate subways food today... told my mom i wanted McD... but what a supprise! she bought SUBWAY'S food bak!!!! so shocked!!!!!

k la.. till here 4 now!
blog again soon...