H3y PeepZ~!
Merry X'mas !!!!
I'm now currently at sg for a hol...and its 2 am+ XD
I miss my friends bak at mal alr.. and it has only been a day...
I miz my dearest d most... so sad i cant celebrate with him.. T.T
anyway.. going to d sg zoo tml.. hehe.. hope i wont b too tired since im sleeping so late.. wait no... i mean early* lolx
juz read miyavi's myspace blog post...
man! he is juz so sweet and lovin'!!!
he even posted a pic of he's.. its new btw..
OMG! he is 1 smexy guy! n he seriously look like a gal... =.=
kay i guess its time to go 2 bed?
lolx.. nah!!!
chatting wit jerry nw
1nce again.. wishing everyone hav a great christmas!
gd mrng peeps~ haha
buh bye
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
merry x'mas!
Posted by Joline at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I've used d comp for a veery long time today
muahahha~! thats cuz my bro's are gone!!!!
well accept for d younger one.. XD
Me , my dad n my lil bro went out for dinner today at d mamak shop...
when i was eating halfway..
It fuckin rained=.="
but it was a drizzle tho...
now im like miyavi or the gazette's d rain man(s)..
Well.. its rain girl for me =.="
but i have alwaiz brought sun shine everywhere i go.. T.T how, how can it rained on me?! (PHUAHAHAHA,Juz kiddin...)
k till here... too many ppl to chat with..
and gotta go down.. aiksz
Posted by Joline at 6:12 AM 0 comments
and its a SUNDAY!!!
hmmm.. been thinking of getting a piercing on my lips.. XD
but im fuckin' sked of d pain... and skul dont allow it.. ish~!
stupid school~! malaysian school sux~!
UGLY wait no... HORRIBLE!! uniforms.. and its freaking hot....
it has a blouse and a pinafore... its not a cold country why do we nid 2????
and they dont even have air-cond.. they juz hav lame fans dat sometimes wont work!!
and in d teachers lounge there's air-cond... WTH~!! THATS SOOO UNFAIR!!!!
hhmmm...my uncle and his family came down from germany few days ago...
and we went dinner together with another aunt n her family ytd...
its been like only 1 year we havent meet...
but they've grown sooo much~! d gals (very pretty gals btw) are almost d same height as i am,and thier younger than me... =.=
d guy (WOW) he was sooooo freakin tall!!!!
den they came to our house for awhile...
they look so tired.. >.<
Louisa d younger gal was playin with d nailpolish(s) dat i have=.= and my fon...
den Lanya d older gal was sleepin.. (lolx)
n d boy Luciano d oldest was with the other boys in my bro's room...
*they have beautiful names huh?*
when it was time to leave... Lanya didn want to leave... *i dont knw why tho,guess she was sleepin so comfortably,lolx*
(damn this 'T' button~!its so hard to press!!!)
when they left we did this thing call 'tang yuan'...
its a chinese thing,it means dat ur 1 year older i think.. or something like that...
i love it~ its fuckin delicious~
its made of flour shape as little balls put in sugar water with ginger n pandan leaf..
while we were doin it.. my elder bro made a snowman with d flour=.=
bt it keep fallin apart cuz it was abit too wet..
here's a few pics of it.. XD
u can see its kinda wet..
but when i woke up this morning... it was gone..
i wonder who ate it... XD
n now im editing some picxz..
im soo fuckin bored~!!!
anyone nid 2 edit pics???
*nah,that was a lie,but i do love some people...* XD
Posted by Joline at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I wonder why ppl will sms 'ARE U AWAKE?'
thats such a stupid question to sms..=.=
if i replied duh~ dat means im awake...
In d night,they'll ask 'ARE U ASLEEP YET? / ARE U STIL AWAKE?'
and if i dont reply... they will sms me d same msg agian or they will miss call my number...=.=
hw stupid n a waste of money...
if i dont reply.. obviously im asleep...
Sometimes if they call in d morning or night...
when i pick up, 1stly they'll ask wad are you doin?
den i'll reply was sleeping=.=
and guess wad they'll say...
hey~! obviously larh u woke me up~!
i juz dont know why ppl will ask stupid questions like this..
cant u juz type wadeva u wanna say to me in d sms or juz tell me wad u want when u call??
if u juz wanna chat u should ask are u free??? not those stupid questions u know.. =.="
i drank VODKA ytd night with my parents..
wow.. i guess i drank too much....
i was seriously drunk,i cant move properly,
its like someone else is controlling my actions.. lolx...
i was as red as a tomato... XD
well.. not that red..=.="
den i went to sleep around 11 something..
but i woke up at 2.30am and slept bak at 6 something...*dammit*
till 12 i woke up.. well cuz it got hot...
den now im bloggin.. lolx
kay.. i guess thats it for now...
Posted by Joline at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
and i dont know why..
i guess its cuz of d cofee candy(s) i ate today.... teehee~
LOVE'EM!!! its soo freaking nice~! whee~!
hmm.. let's see....
ytd was d 1st time i slept so late...
or should i say it was this morning... n slept sooo early
slept at 4.30am.. tried to not sleep for a day.... but i guess i cant control myself from d soft pillow n d huge comfortable bed.. wakaakkaa....
*writing some random/stupid stuff..u can ignore this paragraph*
erhh... i dunno wad to write d....=.="
but i stil wanna write~!!!!
craving to blog now~!!! wakkakaa....
i wan candy~!!!! im having a sugar rush~!!!!!
lolx... XD
I took some pics last.. ehh.. wait... should b dis morning.. ish~
keep fogetting... *bang on d head*
ermm... i'll upload it as soon as i resize it... hate it=.=
owh owh~! I WATCHED TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ytd.... lolx...
it ... was..... AWESOME~!!!
it was soo romantic n cool.... i love when edward carries bella n running around real quickly or climbing up the trees....
i wish i could do tat... T.T
I think im gonna dl BOLT from torrent later.. hmmm....
im listening to jrocks songs now.. *as usual,who doesn know i LOVE those songs?? pffsstt*
Gazette , Miyavi , An Cafe... gosh... love them so so muchie~!
hey i juz noticed.....
im making alot of paragraphs=.=
Aite.... gotta stop...
Posted by Joline at 2:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
My Fvcked Up Dayz
Yo ~!
been feeling very moody these days....
dont knw why..
mayb cuz too much troubles??? aihsz..
ermm.. lets see...
i went to the battleground thing last friday at 1 u.. and with some other dance friends of cuz..
cuz gotta support my dance teacher..
gotta stand d whole time.. and its like 4 o 5 hours long.. =.="
then there was thing quite old lady standin next to me with her grandkids...
she was having a trolley....
but thats all ok...
when the show starts... MAN! THEY ARE SOME FKING NOISY PPL!!!!
dont they knw how 2 think of others?! damn!
d kids dont knw how 2 shut the hell up.. and d lady is scolding them to shut up...
and made more noise=.=" and thats not juz it...
summore they keep move here move there..
but then i deal with them... after quite some time.. they left *WOOHOO~!!!*
hmm... d 1st performance of my teacher n his gang didn ge good comments from d judges..
i forgot wad they said but 1 of'em said that they look like stars!^^
here's the first dance...
then d 2nd performance was juz awesome!!!!!
and he tought us d dance too! hehe... but only d front part for now.. XD
here's d 2nd performance..
and took some pics too....this is advertisement time!!! lolx.. my teach is d bak one.. foolin around be4 it starts
ermm his iz project element or something... forgot... lolx
thier 2nd performance... i tot its a really nice arrangement of chairs.. hahaha!!!
and d end.. my teacher's team 'ECX' won d highest points....^^ so dey did hav 2 go for battle...
d last 2 teams were project element and ermm... wads d other teams name again...
arghh.. dunno la..
ermm.. there are more video's that i took... kinda lazy to upload..
so too bad... u guys hav to watch it on tv.. XD
Moving on....
after the show.. we went to 'wong kwok' to hav our dinner...
i drank this drink which was blue in colour..
it was called d 'blue ocean'.. when i saw it i tot 'it sounds cool,maybe its a special drink with some liquor or something with ice-cream on top...hmmm..'
so i ordered... then when it came...
i drink it.. and WTF?! its only sprite with blue colouring... and lotsa colouring too!!!
man! i was so disappointed.. lolx
after that i went home...
den my mom came bak.. and she asked..' u want sushi?'
i was like hell yeah!!!! but of course i didn say tat infront of my mom=.="
i was craving for sushi tat day cuz my frenz were eating it in d afternoon...
hahas!!! i was so so happie i gotta eat SUSHI!!!!
and then d next day...
me,my mom,my aunt n my eldest (and most stupidest) bro went to 1 u... *again*=.=
to buy our new year clothes...
then be4 we were going bak... my aunt brought us to eat... *deng deng den* SUSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whee~!!!
sushi again!!! man! im addicted to SUSHI! cant stop eating once i have a bite!
its sooo addictive! and now talking abt sushi makes me wanna eat sushi again! ==
how i wish i were in JAPAN then i can eat sushi everyday...
hmm... lets write abt today now...
i watch some vids on youtube...
it was his guy named chonny... he's vids are juz crazy n funny!!!!!
ppl should upload more stuff like tat rather than random bull-shits like picture slides of some stupid scene girl or boys,or some pics of 'the cutest asian girl/boy'... those are juz stupid..
who doesn knw asian ppl are cute n pretty or handsome.. wahahahaha!!!! jk
this is one of his vids that are hillarious!!!
why ppl dont und asians
hmm... lets see... i've been seriously moody these days!
keep wanting to scold ppl! and i have d tot of running away again.. sigh*
my life juz hav too much stress and pressure...
family probs,friends probs and some other probs i gues??
Family are torturing me!!!! my siblings... juz haiz.. how do u say.. like to tease me n stuff???
friends? geez.. they are getting more annoying and annoying these days!!!
other probs? i dont knw...
well conclusion... d ppl around me juz dont knw how 2 think abt me..
they think abt themselves..
say wadeva they like...
they wont knw if they've hurt me..
well... cuz i always smile... and take it as a joke..
but it really hurts inside.... everyime i feel crying when they do...
even when i thinnk about it afterwards..
and even now.. i almost cried writing this==
No one can cheer me up... usualy i can.. real easily... but this time.. i dont knw why i juz cant...
aihsz... k larh.. till here... i dont wan say anymore.. it juz makes me sad...
buh-byez... take care all... goodbye world! XD exagerated d bak part... lolx
Posted by Joline at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Dec 11... aihhzz
Long time no post again..
Well.. thats cuz the hols are BORING!!!
nothing interesting to write.. haizz..........
I juz cut my hair ytd....
its well.. not d exact type i wanted...
n i look even more uglier than last time now..
look like tomboy nia=.="
here's a picugly??? swt
anyway.... its super hard 2 style it rite.. lolx...
anyway... finally downloaded d songs i want..
miyavi's songs of course!
now i have myspace too....
3 places nid to update everytime.. aiks..
kinda lazy to touch myspace...
i cr8ted iz bcuz i heard 'myv' hav myspace too..
and guess wad.. he really does!!! muahahahha!!!!!
but no ppl add miee there.. aiksz.. T.T
Tml going 1u to c our dance teachers comp.. the battleground 08....
support him lur!! gambateh~!
lolx.... wow.. d way ppl react to my new hair.. hahah..
amazing... XD
k la till here.. got summore stuff to do..
post again nxt time...
Posted by Joline at 1:04 AM 1 comments