Friday, October 31, 2008


YO MY PEEPS! lolz... *lame* =.=

Long Long time no blog again!
aiksz... missed out on somefun stuff..
cuz i was too lazy to post... hehe.. XD Sowee~!

things that are goin on recently...
Fking exam's here=.= (Fking means freaking btw)
im aiming 4 high marks to get in gud class 4 next year! but its juz so hard to read a book... once i touch.. i feel like going to sleep.. EVERYTIME!!!!! =.="
du lan dao~ always kenot concentrate.... lolz
so now.. i found a new way... study while sms! Wierd huh... i can oni study when im chatting.. cuz i will b hyper when i chat... lolz... so i hav d energy to read too!!! ^^

I've been chatting alot with Kuro these days.. he's a really funny guy..
he keeps me entertained and not bored.. ^^

if u're wondering who he is.. here's 1 of his pic

he's a VK'er BTW... cool rite?! lolz...
He helped me tot of a new name today^^ japanese name... Chimiko Rei.. Chimiko which means child of the mountain demon, and Rei which means ghost.... so its child of the mountain demons ghost... hahaha!! wierd!!!
i guess its not bad.. THX KURO! XD

2 days ago... i had subscribe to this thing call 'super sms' for digi only...
woah~ so damn fun.. u oni have to pay rm0.50 a day and all msg will b free!!! so i smsed like crazy sinced then.. lolx...
I've smsed with Kuro,Cut3Ying,Gairo and HuiYi.. sms until like a mad gal...
sms non stop.. well.. cuz i cant.. msg juz keeps comming in.. haha!
but Kuro was d longest n most fun person i chatted wit XD
cut3ying... he keeps sayin he's sad... >.< i oso dunno wad to do with him -.- lolx... feel sad 4 him too...
Gairo.. OH GAIRO! crazy mad fella.. keep sending those wierd and lame but funny msges... saying he can read ppls mind... oh psstt! like u can.. XD
HuiYi... =.=" siao ehh... Only chatted awhile then no reply d.. wth la... zzz... told me her guitar teacher was an indian and dunno how 2 communicate with him.. ( Cuz her english n malay is bad! XD)

On d 2nd day of exam... science!!!! I smsed Kuro 4 some ans.. lolz... altho he dont know some of it... stil it helped! haha... Thx again=.=
damn hard weii!!! and i got some wrong d! shitt!! damn du lan~!
i studied so hard 4 science! and it turned out like dat!
Then d nxt day,paper 1 !
damn stupid weii!!!! d questions all i dunno wad d hell is it asking for! haizz...
juz hope i can pass it la... haizz...

HuiYi came 2 my house 2 day... to well... use d comp.. wad else... =.="
but ended up i used it more den her...
we were web camming with some ppl... it was really fun n funny... lolz
she keep getting confused of which is which.. hahaha!!!!
after she left.. it was quite boring....
oh ! and she cooked nuggets 4 me today! hahaha.... she bullied kuro through d cam=.=
took all d nuggets to eat...
N my kor Joel wanted... bt he want me cook de=.="

den.. chatted with Perry after she left... lolz... den blog blog blog!!!!
whee~! den came CuteYing.. hehe.. chat chat again... lolz
dunno y kuro's internet keep crashing =.="
WTF?! nose bleed!!!! suddenly get!!! arg!!!!! =.="
im nw with a tissue in my nose.. its quite discusting =.="

Haizz... k la... stupid bro wanna use.... gtg...
i'll write next time! cya all real soon!!

byez n lovez ya!!!!