Friday, October 31, 2008


Forgot to write in d last post XD

Pei Jing gave me 2 piggies 4 my bday..
it was so freaking cute! Kawaii nerhx! ^^
1 big white fat one.. and 1 black small one... small 1 is to put HP

Nah.. write u d.. haha!
anyways.. jia yi my dear.... tat day tipu me not going tuition!
hmph! hate u 4 dat! haha.. jkjk...
oh and on tuesday night.. d last night with miss yee... we took foto together..
d 3 of us... and JIA YI drop my necklace! =.=" tml oni find dao~ swt

exam time... pei jing and so many many mroe ppl keep asking me for answers...
walao ehh~ macam I am GOD=.=

oh! 1 more... d 1st day of exam.. chinese paper oni..
while i was duin half way.. my bro came to find me 4 house keys=.=
he forgot to bring his.. how stupiakk.. hahaha
Zhi Qi saw him and cant stop talking about him.. =.="
and on dat day morning... we were juz talking abt him..
and he appeard in d noon! hahaha!!!!

and dunno when was it la... 1st time i wear baju kurung.. hehehe

so sienz nerhx... monday got maths and KH paper...
hope i can do d maths la.. so sked T.T

nitez nitez!


YO MY PEEPS! lolz... *lame* =.=

Long Long time no blog again!
aiksz... missed out on somefun stuff..
cuz i was too lazy to post... hehe.. XD Sowee~!

things that are goin on recently...
Fking exam's here=.= (Fking means freaking btw)
im aiming 4 high marks to get in gud class 4 next year! but its juz so hard to read a book... once i touch.. i feel like going to sleep.. EVERYTIME!!!!! =.="
du lan dao~ always kenot concentrate.... lolz
so now.. i found a new way... study while sms! Wierd huh... i can oni study when im chatting.. cuz i will b hyper when i chat... lolz... so i hav d energy to read too!!! ^^

I've been chatting alot with Kuro these days.. he's a really funny guy..
he keeps me entertained and not bored.. ^^

if u're wondering who he is.. here's 1 of his pic

he's a VK'er BTW... cool rite?! lolz...
He helped me tot of a new name today^^ japanese name... Chimiko Rei.. Chimiko which means child of the mountain demon, and Rei which means ghost.... so its child of the mountain demons ghost... hahaha!! wierd!!!
i guess its not bad.. THX KURO! XD

2 days ago... i had subscribe to this thing call 'super sms' for digi only...
woah~ so damn fun.. u oni have to pay rm0.50 a day and all msg will b free!!! so i smsed like crazy sinced then.. lolx...
I've smsed with Kuro,Cut3Ying,Gairo and HuiYi.. sms until like a mad gal...
sms non stop.. well.. cuz i cant.. msg juz keeps comming in.. haha!
but Kuro was d longest n most fun person i chatted wit XD
cut3ying... he keeps sayin he's sad... >.< i oso dunno wad to do with him -.- lolx... feel sad 4 him too...
Gairo.. OH GAIRO! crazy mad fella.. keep sending those wierd and lame but funny msges... saying he can read ppls mind... oh psstt! like u can.. XD
HuiYi... =.=" siao ehh... Only chatted awhile then no reply d.. wth la... zzz... told me her guitar teacher was an indian and dunno how 2 communicate with him.. ( Cuz her english n malay is bad! XD)

On d 2nd day of exam... science!!!! I smsed Kuro 4 some ans.. lolz... altho he dont know some of it... stil it helped! haha... Thx again=.=
damn hard weii!!! and i got some wrong d! shitt!! damn du lan~!
i studied so hard 4 science! and it turned out like dat!
Then d nxt day,paper 1 !
damn stupid weii!!!! d questions all i dunno wad d hell is it asking for! haizz...
juz hope i can pass it la... haizz...

HuiYi came 2 my house 2 day... to well... use d comp.. wad else... =.="
but ended up i used it more den her...
we were web camming with some ppl... it was really fun n funny... lolz
she keep getting confused of which is which.. hahaha!!!!
after she left.. it was quite boring....
oh ! and she cooked nuggets 4 me today! hahaha.... she bullied kuro through d cam=.=
took all d nuggets to eat...
N my kor Joel wanted... bt he want me cook de=.="

den.. chatted with Perry after she left... lolz... den blog blog blog!!!!
whee~! den came CuteYing.. hehe.. chat chat again... lolz
dunno y kuro's internet keep crashing =.="
WTF?! nose bleed!!!! suddenly get!!! arg!!!!! =.="
im nw with a tissue in my nose.. its quite discusting =.="

Haizz... k la... stupid bro wanna use.... gtg...
i'll write next time! cya all real soon!!

byez n lovez ya!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This was Yesterday.. XD

I brought Hui Yi's N Pei Jing's presant to skul 2 day....
HuiYi's was a BEAR N Pei Jing's was a... dunno wad la...

HuiYi n her BEAR.. she named it JERRY=.=

This is pei jing's presant... she named it.... duno what.. haha!!!!

dey did really funny video's today... and took some really funny pics....
here are d video's

N these are SOME of the photo's only

zhi qi and hui yi... dey made thsoe toys kiss=.=

JiaYi dear N me... with pei jings gift


The video crew.. LOLX!

kay la.. i think till here.. tats enuff!!!
Bye Bye.. wanna chat with【KURōKAMI_†SUKI】hehe


Forgot to post for d last few days...
no mood to write blog last few days.. XD

well.. went out with Jerry tat day...
it was fun i guess.. lolx!^^
bought a really expensive punk outfit at anotomi in Sunway..
It was RM 118 =.= but i guess it was worth it^^
hehe... these are pics of it and tat day... ~*dat vl special day*~.. LOLX!


Jerry~Ryuzaki < like this name of his... Ryuzaki~! hahaha

We took some 'DA TOU TIE' dat day too... ^^

This is d outfit that i bought...
bought there and wore it there... hehe
Actually still got alot mor pics de..
but vlvl lazy upload... hehe... wanna c ask me from msn bah.. or c my fs^^

BooHoo~! T.T

Today was quite a tiring day...
Cuz i slept at 2 am ytd... juz 2 rush for the science homework... haizz...
when reach skul still have to do somemore..
While i was doing the science notes,suddenly kai siang *a fren* told me that today have to pass up the science practical book first... my reaction was... 'WTF! U SERIOUS?! WHY DIDNT U TELL ME EARLIER?!' (in chinese)
I panic then...I was like gonna burst anytime...*sked sked sked* lolx
so i started doin d practical... but... doing halfway... i tought... why not ask teacher to extend it 4 me till tml?
Then i juz continued with my notes... *DAMN PISSED*
*First time i so hardworking... Jazz said its gonna rain 2day... haha!! Me doing homework? Its like d sky's gonna fall... LOLX!*
Then Jazz brought speghetti 2 skul 2day.. she asked me to keep it in my drawer cuz she sked of hungry wolfs will dig her drawer to eat it.. LOLX!

Then came recess time...
'RING!!!!!!!!' stupid bell ringing... =.=
had to go up 2 our classroom to get stuffs... cuz we were in d lab...
haizz.... *tired tired lazy lazy* lolx
Ate d canteens MEE REBUS *i think* 2day.... so little oso cost me RM1 =.=
wasnt full.. so went to buy d 'hot dog in a bread roll'

Few periods past recess we only went back up to class.... but there still were'nt any teacher...
Den it was maths! gotta go to 'BILIK MATEMATIK' =,= *DAMN LAZY LEH! SO FAR!!!!!*
Pn.Nurumi was tryin to show us sumthing with d err... 'LCD' arr i think.. lolx... but it cant work.. so.. too bad^^ so she called us 1 by one to see...
In tat period, me n Jazz went to d toilet... but we went bak to class first...
and we took some pics^^
Here they are~!

Then we went bak to class^^

when we got bak...
hope i will eat it soon again.. XD

2Day finally passed up Pn.Rohani's homework...
well bcuz of her breakdown yesterday... @@
so freaky when she was mad....
like a devil!

After school~
when i was walking bak... Clifford,Jia Wei,Jay n Kai Siang...
They keep screaming OI! =.= they were actually calling me..
clifford gave me d name OI! so they followed.. but i juz ignore them... cuz THAT AINT MY NAME!!!!!
But it was really funny.. playing with them^^
When we were walking down d stairs... me n Jia Wei ran down.. but Clifford... HAHAHAAHA!!! Cliffords leg was injured.. so he walked like an old man... we teased him.. it was so funny d way he walked!
wish i had recorded it down!

when i reached home.. i straight came using d com... transfered some pics for Zhi Qi...
this gal har.. so mafan.. 1st ask me send through msn, den fs and today she gave me her pendrive and ask me to put it in there... haizz...
those pics and videos were taken ytd... im gonna tell in another post.. keke...
den im writing blog!!! but while i was writing.. Jean asked me to play Xdo with her.. so i played awhile...
den bak to bloggin!!!!

i guess i'll stop here 4 this post..

My Lif3 Sux! It's FulL 0F R3Gr3Ts N C0nFus1Ng ThInGs....

Sunday, October 12, 2008


long long time no post d..
we'll recently i've done sumthing really regretful!!
haizz.. cant change it d... so sad..
2 more days till my bday!!!^^
i wish i will have lots and lots of presents.. >.< hehe
going out tml wif my *lao gong* haha...
hope it will turn out well....

No 0n3 WilL 3v4 uNd3rsTanD M3....
I can fake a smile 4 u anytime..
its easy to get to my heart.. if u knw d way...

cont.. nxt time!