Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011, My wishes, my hopes , my words

It's already 2011!! It's SPM year!!!
But.. im not gonna let that take away my fun.
I do wish I could study better. lolx
been great with my boy, but not with my family.. T.T
I've used a ton of money since last year.
My party n my trip to taiwan.
This year, Im gonna spend more =="
tuitions, dance classes n more tuition..
I feel very very bad though..
but i am gonna repay my parents when im older.

My wishes
1.To study better
2. getting better results
3. Being able to pay my parents d money
4. Longer time to study =="
5. Knowing wad to study after f5
6. Being smarter
7. to be richer

My hopes
1. All A's for SPM!!!
2. Being better in my relationship
3. Getting a fitter body. XD
4. To be a better person
5. Enjoy life more
6. Choose the correct subjects to study by d end of this year
7. Dance more

Will post more if i think of more
but for now.. thats all ^^

6.1.11 - 6.52 p.m