Saturday, November 5, 2011

Almost a year! o.O"

Time flies. The last post was during d start of the year and now I'm posting a new one at almost d end of the year. And It's also 1 week before SPM!
WooOoOooooOoooOOOOooo~~ ==" Definitely not prepared!

The main reason why I'm blogging again is because I had problems with my mom AGAIN!
Throughout this whole year, my mom n I have been getting into alot of fights, and I mean A LOT.
There was once that we fought till the extend of not talking to her for almost 1 week?
We fought again today but for stupid reasons that she had to make a big deal out of it. =="
Sometimes I really wonder why I have such a mom.
When she's good, she can be good but not very. When she's bad, she very very very x100000 bad.

Today, it was all because of washing up dishes and she got all fired up. I have no idea what's going on inside that mentally insane head of hers.
She scolded my lil bro first and made him so damn pissed.
I <3 what my bro said to her. " I'm not your servant."
Well said bro! ^^ although I told her that before too.
But she will come back with this sentence " Well I'm not ur servant too."
Well, excuse me, we don't treat you like a servant. We just asks you for help because your ON YOUR WAY.
But for her, everytime we're doing something, she will asks us to do something else for her when she can do it herself.
Now who's treating who like a servant?

My mom asked me to bring the plates and cups in, I told her later because she wants ME to wash it; but my bro was still washing his stuff.
My bro was already pissed so I didn't want to trouble him to wash more.
But I don't know what was wrong with my mom's head, she wants everyone to do everything in an instance. Fuck woman! We not superman. =="
Btw, I was clipping my nails that time.

Then I just got so fed up of her nagging n scolding, I took d stuff to the back n my lil' bro washed it.
When I went back to the front, I was hoping she would have shut her mouth, but NOOOO~~~ as always, she continues to nag n scold n nag n scold n nag nag nag nag...
Then she said this " Every time you guys leave plates n cups on the table, who you expect to wash? "
I replied " I wash mine every time."
With this one sentence, she totally turn it 180 degree in her head.
She started hitting me and pinching me. Her nails were long, so she left a horrible scare on my thigh.
She thought that I meant I'll ONLY WASH MY STUFF.
but in reality, I meant ' I wash my dishes everytime I'm done with it. '
I tried to explain it to her, but as usual, I teared up cuz I just can't take being faulted.

Whenever I start getting teary, my head just goes blank, so I couldn't explain properly to her.
Then she says this like probably a million times
" Wash whatever you see there too, not only yours! "
I think she knew she had me wrong. BUT~~~~ Like the sore loser she is, she will NEVER ADMIT that she's wrong.
As long as I can remember, there was never once that she apologized to anyone.
I'm serious, NO ONE!
When ever she's playing n she injured someone (mostly me n my lil bro) she never apologize.
She'll just add sentence like " Who asked you to move? Its * not my fault* "
Yea... nothing is ever your fault. You are always right.

I've tried so hard to please her.
But sometimes she just really makes me wanna hit her.
She's still my mom so I can't really do so.
especially when she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

gtg for tuition now.
YEY! gonna stay at bf's place tonight~~ whee~~
Gotta get away from that woman =="

5.11.11 - 5.36 P.m